Behold, a Game Design Document:

Build towers.

Program them to effectively fight your enemies (without you needing to do anything).


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I am really trying to figure out how to play this, but this doesn't do a great job of explaining how to do certain things, especially if you don't know python, I admire the ambition, and I really do want to play it

Hey man! Where are you getting stuck!?

I know I could have made a WAY better tutorial sequence, but I ran out of time. Haha!!

I don't know python so I get errors when I was trying to make the tower attack an incoming enemy, I was trying to do the code that detected an enemy within range, then attack those coordinates but I couldn't get it working

It should give you the line number of the error, and what went wrong.

Copying that error and pasting it into google should give you enough info to solve the issue.

But I know I need to improve the game itself so it teaches you in stages, instead of expecting you to just know how to program in Python xD